Table of contents for
Murach’s JavaScript and DOM Scripting

Section 1Introduction to JavaScript programming

Chapter 1Introduction to web development and JavaScript3

Chapter 2How to code a JavaScript application43

Chapter 3How to test and debug a JavaScript application89

Chapter 4A crash course in HTML121

Chapter 5A crash course in CSS169

Section 2JavaScript essentials

Chapter 6How to get input and display output223

Chapter 7How to work with numbers, strings, and dates249

Chapter 8How to code control structures275

Chapter 9How to create and use arrays301

Chapter 10How to create and use funtioncs327

Chapter 11How to create and use objects355

Chapter 12How to handle exceptions and validate data385

Section 3DOM scripting

Chapter 13Basic DOM scripting421

Chapter 14Advanced event handling469

Chapter 15Advanced DOM manipulation523

Chapter 16How to script CSS555

Chapter 17How to script tables and forms591

Chapter 18Animation with DOM scripting633

Section 4Other JavaScript skills

Chapter 19How to control the web browser663

Chapter 20How to use JavaScript libraries701