- Master a Skill / Learn for Life

ITI 481 Front-End Web Development Certification Program - Week 8

Week Outline:

Session 22 - 24 - RWD Frameworks

  • RWD Website Planning Worksheet
  • Bootstrap Framework
  • w3.css Framework

Class Presentations, Exercise Files & Solution Sets

Session, Chapter Presentation, Examples Zip, and Solution Set Zip
Session Chapter PowerPoint Presentation Exercise Files Exercise Solutions
XXII Introduction to Responsive Web Design (RWD) Frameworks
Bootstrap Framework
w3.css Framework
RWD Website Planning Worksheet
RWD Website Planning Worksheet
RWD Website Planning Worksheet
XXIII Front-End Web Design Lab

Class Exercises

Session 22

Student Exercise 1

Required Items for ePortfolio

  • About Me Page
  • Individual Goals for Front-End Web Development Certification Course
  • Listing of Certification Skills Page
    • Link to Individual Skill Exercises Pages
    • Learning Outcomes of Each Course Exercise
  • Prospective Employment Page
    • Listing of three (3) employers from
  • Additional Items that can be added to ePortfolio:
    • Other Front-End Training courses / programs
    • LinkedIn Front-End Training courses completed
    • History of Employment (Tech jobs)
    • Hobbies related to tech.

Required Deliverables

  • ePortfolio Capstone Websites
    • One in Bootstrap Framework
    • One in w3.css Framework
  • Submit proposed Boostrap & w3.css Framework for approval.
  • Each Boostrap & w3.css Framework must be different than your classmates.

Student Exercise 2

  • Begin designing your Bootstrap & w3.css website.
  • Develop Site Navigation
  • Develop Page Layout
  • Create or Find Textual Content for Web Pages
  • Create or Find Graphical Content for Web Pages
  • Create or Find Other Media Content for Web Pages
  • Determine Information to be Collected from Site Users
  • Design Form to Collect Information from Site Users
  • Review frameworks available that Meet Your Site Requirements.
  • Begin narrowing down Framework to be Selected.

RWD Example Sites

Additional Support Exercises

LinkedIn Exercises

LinkedIn JavaScript & jQuery Beginner Exercises
Session Chapter Level Course
VIII 11 Beginner jQuery: UI Widgets
VIII 11 Beginner Learning jQuery UI

Additional LinkedIn Beginner Exercises

LinkedIn JavaScript & jQuery Beginner Exercises
Session Chapter Level Course
Beginner JavaScript: Patterns
Beginner jQuery: Building an Interface

w3School Exercises

HTML Methods Exercises

Traversing Exercises

Gur99 Exercises

SoloLearn Exercises

Advanced and Master LinkedIn Exercises

Session I Support Links

Colleges and Universities