- Master a Skill / Learn for Life

ITI 481 Front-End Web Development Certification Program - Week 8

Week Outline:

Session 22

  • Asynchronous JavaScript And XML (AJAX)

Session 23

  • Web Design Challenge
  • Front-End Web Design Contest
  • Chapter 8 - How to Use Responsive Web Design (RWD)
  • Chapter 9 - How to Use Flex Box for Page Layout in Responsive Web Design (RWD)
  • Chapter 10 - How to Use Grid Layout for Page Layout in Responsive Web Design (RWD)

Session 24

  • Introduction to Responsive Web Design (RWD) Frameworks
  • RWD Website Planning Worksheet
  • Bootstrap Framework
  • w3.css Framework

Class Presentations, Exercise Files & Solution Sets

Session, Chapter Presentation, Examples Zip, and Solution Set Zip
Session Chapter PowerPoint Presentation Exercise Files Exercise Solutions
XXII w3School - AJAX
XXIII Chapter 8 - How to Use Responsive Web Design (RWD)
Chapter 9 - How to Use Flex Box for Page Layout in Responsive Web Design (RWD)
Chapter 10 - How to Use Grid Layout for Page Layout in Responsive Web Design (RWD)
Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10
Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10
XXIV Introduction to Responsive Web Design (RWD) Frameworks
Bootstrap Framework
w3.css Framework
RWD Website Planning Worksheet
RWD Website Planning Worksheet
RWD Website Planning Worksheet

Class Exercises

Session 22

Student Exercise 2 - AJAX XML DOM Request

  • 1. Create XML data file that has five node elements and 8 child nodes.
  • 2. Name your xml file {Filename_Your_Name.xml} - e.g. – music_jane_doe.xml or musicJaneDoe.xml.
  • 3. Display data in an HTML table using Retrieve the content of an XML file as guide and getCatalog.html file template.
  • 3. Students will upload xml file to development site.
  • 4. Students will preview xml file on development site.
  • 5. Students will upload development site to live site.
  • 6. Students will preview live site in browser.

Session 23

Student Exercise 1

  • 1. Complete Chapter 8 - Exercise 8-1, Page 317 using Dreamweaver.
  • 2. Download Chapter 8 exercise zip file to your desktop.
  • 3. Unzip Chapter 8 exercise zip files and folders into your local development Chapter 8 folder.
  • 4. Students will upload test files to development site.
  • 5. Students will preview in browser development files.
  • 6. Students will upload files to live site.
  • 7. Students will preview in browser live files.

Student Exercise 2

  • Chapter 9 - Exercise 9-1
  • 1. Complete Chapter 9 - Exercise 9-1, Page 349 using Dreamweaver.
  • 2. Download Chapter 9 exercise zip file to your desktop.
  • 3. Unzip Chapter 9 exercise zip files and folders into your local development Chapter 9 folder.
  • 4. Students will upload test files to development site.
  • 5. Students will preview in browser development files.
  • 6. Students will upload files to live site.
  • 7. Students will preview in browser live files.

Exercise 3

  • Chapter 9 - Exercise 10-1
  • 1. Complete Chapter 10 - Exercise 10-1, Page 387 using Dreamweaver.
  • 2. Download Chapter 10 exercise zip file to your desktop.
  • 3. Unzip Chapter 10 exercise zip files and folders into your local development Chapter 10 folder.
  • 4. Students will upload test files to development site.
  • 5. Students will preview in browser development files.
  • 6. Students will upload files to live site.
  • 7. Students will preview in browser live files.

Session 24

Student Exercise 1

Student Exercise 2

  • Begin designing your Bootstrap & w3.css website.
  • Develop Site Navigation
  • Develop Page Layout
  • Create or Find Textual Content for Web Pages
  • Create or Find Graphical Content for Web Pages
  • Create or Find Other Media Content for Web Pages
  • Determine Information to be Collected from Site Users
  • Design Form to Collect Information from Site Users
  • Review frameworks available that Meet Your Site Requirements.
  • Begin narrowing down Framework to be Selected.

Student Exercise 2 - Required Items for Students in Capstone ePortfolio Certification Program

  • About Me Page
  • Individual Goals for Front-End Web Development Certification Page
  • Listing of Certification Languages Page
    • Link to Each Technology (HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, jQuery, XML, JSON, AJAX, Responsive Web Design (RWD), Frameworks & Capstone Project*)
      • Link to Each Technology Exercise
      • Learning Outcomes of Each Technology Exercise
      • * - Link to Capstone Dashboard
  • Prospective Employment Page

Required Deliverables

  • Required Deliverables
  • Non-Certificaiton Students - One Website developed using a RWD Framework
  • Certification Students:
    • One in Bootstrap Capstone Portfolio website
    • One in w3.css Capstone Portfolio website

RWD Example Sites

Additional Support Exercises

LinkedIn Exercises

LinkedIn JavaScript & jQuery Beginner Exercises
Session Chapter Level Course
VIII 11 Beginner jQuery: UI Widgets
VIII 11 Beginner Learning jQuery UI

Additional LinkedIn Beginner Exercises

LinkedIn JavaScript & jQuery Beginner Exercises
Session Chapter Level Course
Beginner JavaScript: Patterns
Beginner jQuery: Building an Interface

w3School Exercises

HTML Methods Exercises

Traversing Exercises

Gur99 Exercises

SoloLearn Exercises

Advanced and Master LinkedIn Exercises

Session I Support Links

Colleges and Universities