ITI 080 MS Excel 2016 Level I

Course Outline:

Learn the basic functions of Excel 2016. Learn spreadsheet terminology, windows components, help system, navigate worksheets and workbooks, enter and edit text, values, formulas, and pictures, and save. Work with absolute and relative references, and ranges, rows, and columns. Create, modify charts. Basic formatting/ printing. Students pursuing the Microsoft Office Specialist Certification must take MS Excel I, II and III.


Computer Basics and Working with Windows or File Management Skills or equivalent experience.

Required Textbook & Materials

  • Title:   MS Excel Level 1
  • ISBN-13:   978-1-943248-54-4
  • Publisher:   30Bird


Please bring a Flash Drive/Memory Stick 512MB or larger to class which will enable you to save your class work.

Meeting Information:

  • Days:   Tuesday & Thursday
  • Dates:   5/28/2019 - 5/30/2019
  • Number of Sessions:   2
  • Time:   09:00 AM - 03:30 PM
  • Location:   GBTC - 407
  • Lesson Plan:

    Session 1

    • Course Overview Presentation
    • Chapter 1: Fundamentals
    • Chapter 2: Creating worksheets
    • Chapter 3: Formatting

    Session 2

    • Chapter 4: Manipulating data
    • Chapter 5: Charts
    • Chapter 6: Output
    • Chapter 7: Settings and templates

    In-Class Material:

    Colleges and Universities